Bust up Concierge
Beautiful treatment
for beautiful woman
by Bijin bust
Beautiful treatment for beautiful woman
Mission of Bijin bust is “decrease of people who do breast enlargement surgery”.
We have been heading toward our vision which is “Bust care is normal in the world” as a skin care of daily life.
We had founded a company by taking care of bust as a symbol of females to give an impression such as high quality of service, high quality goods, counseling ability and technical ability.
If you want to develop the bust industry with us, we would like to provide most of the expertise of company operated stores.
We can help you to introduce a skill of bust care with counseling skill, advice of high quality goods and expertise
Bijin bust has more than 50 stores to do treatment of bust in Japan.
We invite people who want to have their own salon to our bust-up school once every two months.
Please contact us if you want to have your own salon or want to bust up.
Let’s solve our bust problem with the companions of Bijin bust.
心地よいユリの香りのバストクリーム¥ 9,350
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西沢式フィッティングブラジャーを採用した美人バストブラ¥ 16,500